Pentecost Sunday

Today we celebrate Pentecost. The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles describes the event for us: there was a noise like a strong diving wind and it filled the entire house. Tongues as of fire appeared and came to rest on those in the house. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak as the Spirit enabled them. 

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

One of my fondest childhood memories is of my Dad teaching me how to ride a bike on the church parking lot. In retrospect, a paved venue was probably a poor choice, considering the number of times I came in sudden contact with the ground, and also given that this was well before the days of protective headwear. Still, it was a wonderful experience…

Solemnity of Christ the King – Year C

How is your prayer life at this time? When you go into the silence of your room or when you come earlier into this Church and place yourself, once again in all humility before God, what do you pray for? Very often we pray for our families and our relatives; we pray for people who are sick and for those who suffer, especially those we know. We come in humility before a God who listens to us…

Solemnity, Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Year C

Many of you will remember celebrating Corpus Christi. There was often a procession with incense and singing. Those of you who went to parish schools probably remember how much preparation the Sisters put into that procession. The way we celebrate may have changed, but today is the same feast of the Church.

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – Year C

As I get older, I find a growing desire to “see” God. I am not talking about “believing” in God. I do believe that an Infinite God exists and that He has come to earth in the person of Jesus. Jesus has revealed a lot about God and I believe what He revealed. But I desire a deeper relational experience of God in here and now. Perhaps you do too.

The Baptism of the Lord – Year C

In the study of behavioral analysis, there is a theory that positive reinforcement is an effective way to increase the probability of a particular desirable behavior to be repeated or continued. Today we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the last day of the liturgical season of Christmas. In the Gospel of Luke, we hear of the tremendous and fascinating account of Jesus being baptized by John. 

Feast of the Holy Family – Year C

Upon entering a house during the Christmas season, we always take note of a few things, the various lights and decorations, most especially the Christmas tree and how it is decorated. Usually somewhere around the house, displayed somewhere in a prominent place, is a Nativity set. They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, cultures. But what makes up a Nativity set, what is essential for the Nativity scene?

Feast of St. Augustine & St. Monica | From the Desk of Fr. Rob

August 27, 2023 Dear friend of the Augustinians, The Augustinian Order celebrates the feasts of Saint Monica and Saint Augustine on August 27 and 28. We celebrate these two special members of our family with the Church, the world and all of our Augustinian friends. One of Saint Augustine’s core values was friendship, and it was through […]