Palm Sunday – Year B
Palm Sunday is a good summary of our faith. In it we mix both glory and suffering, two opposite sides of what is the same coin, and all of it makes sense in the context of Jesus’ mission.
Fifth Sunday of Lent – Year B
“Sir, we would like to see Jesus.”
We don’t know what drew the Greeks to express their desire to see Jesus in the opening scene of today’s Gospel.
Fourth Sunday of Lent – Year B
When I was a child, playing games with my siblings and friends, if someone stumbled and fell, you would hear a voice saying, “God got you for being bad.”
Third Sunday of Lent – Year B
“For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God.”
What a striking revelation from this God in the act of engaging us in the work of building a covenant relationship.
Second Sunday of Lent – Year B
Not many people look forward to taking tests. That is quite normal. Even when we feel that we are well prepared there is that heightened anxiety, even dread.
First Sunday of Lent – Year B
No sooner was the glory of the hour of the Baptism over than there came the battle of the temptations.