Henry A. Caffrey, O.S.A.

1892 – 1979 (January 20)

Henry Anthony Caffrey, son of William A. Caffrey and Catherin Fleming, was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, November 12, 1892. His early education was obtained in his native city at the Bruce Grammar School and Lawrence High School where he was editor of the class monthly magazine in his senior year, acted in the class play, played varsity football for two years and was valedictorian when he graduated in 1910. For the next four years he worked as a payroll clerk in the Wood Worsted Mills. At the age of 21, in 1914, he enrolled as a postulant at the Augustinian Preparatory Scholasticate, Saint Rita Hall, Villanova, September.

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

A text from the story of the Apostles affirms that “in God we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). But one wonders how this translates into an experience of faith, how this becomes a reality in our relationship with God. Today’s gospel gives us a glimpse into it while Jesus, passing by, speaks just a couple of words to some people and they followed him