Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C

Dinosaurs on television! Who would have ever imagined? Animals and plants even older than dinosaurs, ancient seas, the continents of earth in a far different arrangement than what we know today. Stars a-booming, colliding, dividing, galaxies spinning off into space. Amazing what you can discover on television!

And then they show you how all these living things developed. And how they – suddenly! – came to an end. And, of course, when the dinosaurs, the great reptiles, died out, little mammals came to populate the earth, little mammals like – eventually – you and me.

Augustine For Today


 “You can find someone who’s religious, with plenty of this world’s goods, and yet not thereby puffed up and proud. And you can find someone in need, who has nothing, and won’t settle for anything. This one does not have more grounds for hope than the former; the first is poor in spirit, because humble, while this one is indeed poor, but not in spirit.”

            Sermon 53A