Twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time • Year C

Naaman’s dignity is revealed with the healing waters of the Jordan. Likewise, the ten lepers were reunited with their family and community celebrating their dignity. Can we see a parallel meaning in our baptism? Washing may not have happened in a river, but it is an image of cleansing, an experience that celebrates our dignity.

Augustine For Today


 “If you get lost through loving yourself, then of course you get found through denying yourself.”

            Sermon 96, 1-2

This Day in Province History: October 8, 1967

Mass followed by departure ceremony was held in Villanova University’s Field House for Fr. Frank Kelly, Fr. Richard Appicci and Br. Patrick Sheridan, the first three members of the Province to join the Midwest Province’s mission in Peru. 1200 people were in attendance.