Fr. Bill Atkinson Prayer

Prayer for the Beautification of Fr. Bill Atkinson, Servant of God

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Blessed are you,
Father of life, source of goodness and peace,
in whom all creation has its origin
and by whom every person is loved.

In Father Bill Atkinson
your mercy and compassion were made manifest
as he brought solace to the suffering
and hope to the needy.

By carrying the cross of life faithfully
he proclaimed confidence in your love
and conformity to your will,
and so drew others to you
and to the generous gift of your grace.

Hear our prayers
which we offer through his intercession
so that as your work continues to unfold among us
it may bring honor to you,
comfort to your people
and, according to your will, glory to your servant.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
October 26, 2015

Click here for a downloadable version of the Prayer for the Beautification of Fr. Bill Atkinson, Servant of God.

Father Bill Atkinson, Augustinian Friar. 1946-2006. Servant of God.


Friar walking with three college students through a college campus

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