Latest Updates from A.D.R.O.P.


Augustinian Volunteer, Sheena Cadua, began work at A.D.R.O.P. (Augustinian Defenders of the Rights of the Poor) on Monday, 9/14. She is from San Diego, California, she is a graduate of the University of San Diego, and she is a huge fan of Legos! She is excited to serve with the various ministries at A.D.R.O.P. and to explore the city of Philadelphia.

English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) classes will continue virtually into the Fall. This year, our Intercambio, or “Language Exchange,” classes will also be virtual. Volunteers from Villanova University offered to virtually meet with ESOL students at a time most convenient for them. All are excited for this opportunity to build community and develop new language skills.