Organization of Catholic Universities of Peru Online Conference


In early October the Peruvian Episcopal Conference sponsored an online news conference to announce the second online course organized by the Organization of Catholic Universities of Peru.  When Pope Francis visited Peru in 2018, he mentioned several major social ills (called social sins), and so the Catholic Universities pledged to produce an online course open to the public on each of these social ills every year. 

 This year the online news conference addresses the theme of Violence Against Women.  Over 100 journalists signed into the conference. It began with words from the President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference Bishop Miguel Cabrejos.  The president of the Organization of Catholic Universities, Patricia Campos spoke next, then an explanation from Fr. John Lydon, O.S.A. who is the coordinator of the online courses for the organization.  Fr. Lydon is also the president of the Catholic University of Trujillo.

 A summary of the news conference was also covered by Vatican News. The online course consists of 12 themes with videos and reading materials put together with the collaboration of professors of the 11 different Catholic Universities of Peru.