Priors General of the Three Augustinian Orders Meet, Affirm Dialogue and Collaboration

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Joint Message of the Three Orders: Order of Saint Augustine (O.S.A.) – Order of Augustinian Recollects (O.A.R.) –  Order of Discalced Augustinians (O.A.D.) 

Ecce quam bonum, et quam iucundum habitare fratres in unum (Psalm 133) 

Together and with one voice, we wish to give praise to the Lord for the grace of the living presence of the Augustinian charism in the heart of the Church. In the name of the three Orders, we send this message as an account of what the Lord is inspiring us to do. 

On February 14, 2020, the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the three general councils of the Augustinians, Augustinian Recollects and Discalced Augustinians met together at the General Curia of the O.S.A. for a moment of sharing, celebration and fraternity. 

We are aware of the great richness the Augustinian charism, in it various expressions, can offer to the world and to the Church. Thanks to our presence in so many parts of the world, we can contribute in a significant and unique way to the new evangelization and to respond to the challenges of the present time. Through our spirituality, founded on interiority, common prayer and the fraternal life, with conviction we offer a joyous testimony of faith, service and love. 

We are resolved to begin a path of sharing and comparison among the three Orders so as to recognize and share the wealth of experiences gained in each of our families, to reflect together on the issues that challenge our communities today, to read and reflect on the signs of the times, and propose concrete formation and work initiatives. For this reason, the three general councils will meet at least twice a year: for common reflection and to celebrate liturgies together. We want to accept the challenge of discovering the prophetic way we are called to live as consecrated Augustinians according to our distinct styles. 

We would like to encourage the brothers who have already initiated encounters among our Augustinian communities to continue this practice so that the familial spirit will continue to grow. We are certain that this corresponds to a desire present in many of you. 

May our Lady of Consolation, Mother and model of Augustinian consecrated life, Saint Augustine and all of the Augustinian saints help us to live generously in fraternal communion, with one heart and one mind intent upon God, and we ask for the grace to animate our pastoral activities of evangelization according to the style of our own charism so that “the joy of the gospel may arrive to the ends of the earth.” 

Rome, February 19, 2020