“With minds and hearts provoked … we Augustinians recommit ourselves …”

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We Augustinian Friars of the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova, join the voices and prayers of countless people, shamed and outraged at the killing of Mr. George Floyd, to lament, as well, the failure of our nation to secure the full measure of justice to our black brothers and sisters, and to all who are denied human dignity. With our minds and hearts provoked by Mr. Floyd’s death, symbolic of so many lives destroyed by bigotry, racism and injustice, we recommit ourselves – and invite all people of good will also – to the work of reforming policies and changing structures that impede freedom, justice, peace and opportunity for all. As people of faith, we know that the teachings of Jesus on love and justice are unambiguous. May Jesus himself give us the will and the courage to live them faithfully.

Fr. Michael Di Gregorio, O.S.A., Prior Provincial